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In this section we will touch on a very small subset of functionality provided by the docker command-line tool. With this subset you will be able to use already existing images, spinning up containers and being able to run code from the host machine within containers.


If you do not have docker installed yet, then please do so. See the official documentation for your respective operating system flavour.


Before you can use an image, you either need to build it locally or pull it from a registry. The latter is, obviously, done by the pull sub-command. The docker hub allows you to quickly copy the pull command for a specific image (see highlighted area in image below).


The URL that you can use with docker consists of these parts:


If the registry-url is omitted, it defaults to If :tag is omitted, it defaults to :latest.

The command copied from the above page looks like this:

docker pull pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel

The namespace is pytorch, the image is pytorch and the tag is 1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel.

When executing this command, all layers that have not been cached locally will be downloaded. It will look similar to this screen, with each layer having its own unique hash:

metal:[101]~>docker pull pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel
1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel: Pulling from pytorch/pytorch
7ddbc47eeb70: Pull complete 
c1bbdc448b72: Pull complete 
8c3b70e39044: Pull complete 
45d437916d57: Pull complete 
d8f1569ddae6: Pull complete 
85386706b020: Pull complete 
ee9b457b77d0: Extracting [==================================================>]     184B/184B
be4f3343ecd3: Pulling fs layer 
30b4effda4fd: Waiting 
b398e882f414: Waiting 
4fe309685765: Waiting 
8b87a3cb3232: Waiting 
6cac8a6cf141: Waiting 

The output from the finished pull will look like this:

metal:[103]~>docker pull pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel
1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel: Pulling from pytorch/pytorch
7ddbc47eeb70: Pull complete 
c1bbdc448b72: Pull complete 
8c3b70e39044: Pull complete 
45d437916d57: Pull complete 
d8f1569ddae6: Pull complete 
85386706b020: Pull complete 
ee9b457b77d0: Pull complete 
be4f3343ecd3: Pull complete 
30b4effda4fd: Pull complete 
b398e882f414: Pull complete 
4fe309685765: Pull complete 
8b87a3cb3232: Pull complete 
6cac8a6cf141: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:ccebb46f954b1d32a4700aaeae0e24bd68653f92c6f276a608bf592b660b63d7
Status: Downloaded newer image for pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel


Once an image has been downloaded, you can spin up a container. Think of a container as a concrete instantiation of a blueprint (i.e., the image), which can receive modifications that will stay until its removed. The sub-command for spinning up, is run.

When running an image (i.e., spinning up a container), this can be done either in interactive mode or not. The former can be used at development time or for manually running experiments and the latter for a production setting, where you simply supply a command to be executed within the container, like building a model.

For interactive use, you will need the -it flags, which stand for interactive and tty (TeleTYpewriter or console). For the time being, we will stick with interactive mode. The non-interactive mode is explained briefly in Dockerfile/Running the image (non-interactive)

Starting the just downloaded pytorch image in interactive mode is achieved with this command:

docker run -it pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel

This will give you a prompt similar to this:


Which you can exit like any other shell via exit or CTRL+D.

When starting up an image without specifying a name for the container (--name), docker will give it an automatic generated name rather than just a hash, which can be quite humorous:


If you want to list containers, you need to use the action ls of the container sub-command. If all containers, not just currently running ones, should be listed, then you need to add the -a option. So, for listing all containers on your system, run this:

docker container ls -a

Other useful actions for the container sub-command are:

  • start - start an existing container
  • stop - stop a running container
  • rm - remove a stopped container

GPU support#

The image that we downloaded comes with CUDA support, in order to make use of an NVIDIA GPU that we have on our host system. But, the graphics card does not automatically get made available to the containers, we need to explicitly state that we want a container to have access to it.

For docker versions prior to 19.03 (e.g., still used by some NVIDIA IoT devices), you need to supply the following parameter:


Otherwise, use this:


Or supply the specific ID of the GPU, if you are on a multi-GPU system (source), e.g., for the second GPU:

--gpus device=1


By default, a docker container does not have access to any directories on the host system and you will have to explicitly give access via volumes. Docker distinguishes between named volumes (partitions created and managed by the docker daemon) and simply mapped directories. Usually, it is sufficient to just map local directories into your container. That way, you have full control over your data and models on the host system.

The easiest way to map a directory (or even a single file) is to use the -v or --volume option. The alternative is the --mount option, which gives you greater control (but seems like overkill most of the time for a data scientist). For more information, check out the docker documentation on volumes.

One thing to be aware of is that you can hide directories within the container by mapping an external directory onto an existing one, e.g., /usr or /opt. This can have unexpected side effects, like missing libraries, executables, data, etc. It is worthwhile to inspect the internals of a container first, before mapping volumes willy-nilly.

The command below maps the /some/where directory of the host to the directory /opt/local within the container:

docker run \
    -v /some/where:/opt/local \ 
    -it pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel

Please note that directories need to be absolute paths. If you want to map the current directory into the container, then you can make use of the pwd command like this:

docker run \
    -v `pwd`:/opt/local \ 
    -it pytorch/pytorch:1.6.0-cuda10.1-cudnn7-devel

Of course, the -v option can be supplied multiple times.

Clean up#

You will soon notice that you are accumulating a large number of containers and images on your system, taking up significant space. Here are some commands that you can use to clean up your system:

  • stop all containers

    docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

  • remove all containers

    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

  • purging all unused or dangling images, containers, volumes, and networks:

    docker system prune

  • you can be even more aggressive when adding the -a flag:

    docker system prune -a

Login & Credentials#

When using non-public registries, you will most likely have to perform a login, using the login sub-command (and logout for logging out). By default, docker will store your password only base64 encoded and not encrypted. It is therefore recommended using an external credentials store. For more information, see the docker documentation on the login command.