Yolov10 Docker images available

Docker images for the latest Yolov10 code base are now available.

The code used by the docker images is available from here:


The tags for the images are as follows:

  • In-house registry:

    • public.aml-repo.cms.waikato.ac.nz:443/pytorch/pytorch-yolov10:2024-06-23_cuda11.7

    • public.aml-repo.cms.waikato.ac.nz:443/pytorch/pytorch-yolov5:2022-11-05_cpu

  • Docker hub:

    • waikatodatamining/pytorch-yolov10:2024-06-23_cuda11.7

    • waikatodatamining/pytorch-yolov5:2022-11-05_cpu

The tutorial on object detection is available from here:


llm-dataset-converter release

Version 0.2.4 of our llm-dataset-converter library is now available.

This release is a only minor release, mainly fixing batch processing and offering default globs for readers. The support for default globs means that the user only has to supply the directory, i.e., in a bash shell it is no longer required to double quote the input to avoid bash expansion. Additional libraries had support for default globs added as well where appropriate.

The llm-dataset-converter-all meta-library now stands at version 0.0.2.

image-dataset-converter release

Out image-dataset-converter library keeps evolving and, apart from fixing bugs, we also keep adding useful stuff.

The version of the image-dataset-converter-all library stands now at 0.0.3.

Since version 0.0.2 the following changes occurred:

  • image-dataset-converter (core library):

    • switched to the fast-opex library

    • helper method from_indexedpng was using incorrect label index (off by 1)

    • Data.save_image method now ensures that source/target files exist before calling os.path.samefile

    • requiring seppl>=0.2.6 now

    • readers now support default globs, allowing the user to just specify directories as input (and the default glob gets appended)

    • the to-yolo-od writer now has an option for predefined labels (for enforcing label order)

    • the to-yolo-od writer now stores the labels/labels_cvs files in the respective output folders rather than using an absolute file name

    • the bluechannel/grayscale/indexed-png image segmentation readers/writers can use a value other than 0 now for the background

    • split filter has been renamed to split-records

  • image-dataset-converter-imgaug: added find-contours filter for turning blobs in image segmentation annotations into object detection polygons.

  • image-dataset-converter-imgvis: added add-center-overlay-od overlay filter

  • image-dataset-converter-pdf (new module): adds support for PDF, like extracting images from PDF and compiling PDF from images

fast-opex released

The OPEX (Object Predictions EXchange) format features heavily in our docker images for storing/broadcasting predictions. However, last week I noticed that it incurs quite a significant speed penalty due to its use of JSON schema under the hood. Since we want to be as fast as possible at prediction time, I sat down and rewrote the library using very basic (but fast) checks and released it under the name fast-opex. The new library works as a drop-in replacement, i.e., you only have to switch from installing opex to fast-opex.

To further speed things up, the new library can take advantage of the blazingly fast orjson JSON library. The orjson library only needs to be present in the environment and it will be used automatically.

If you are interested in a speed comparison, then head over to the following repository:


Faster Whisper 1.0.2 (speech-to-text)

New Docker images are now available for speech-to-text using Faster Whisper 1.0.2:



Faster Whisper is a reimplementation of OpenAI's Whisper library with some dramatic speed ups.

With the release of these images, the Coqui STT images have been retired (just like the Coqui STT project itself).

image-dataset-converter release

Based on lessons learned from our wai-annotations library, we simplified and streamlined the design of a data processing library (though limited to just image datasets). Of course, it makes use of the latest seppl version, which also simplified how plugins are being located at runtime and development time.

The new kid on the block is called image-dataset-converter and its code is located here:


Whilst it is based on wai-annotations, it already contains additional functionality.

And, of course, we also have resources demonstrating how to use the new library:
