Finetune GTP2-XL Docker images available

The finetune-gpt2xl repository allows the fine-tuning and using of GPT2-XL and GPT-Neo models (the repository uses the Hugging Face transformers library) and is now available via the following docker images:

  • In-house registry:


  • Docker hub:

    • waikatodatamining/pytorch-huggingface-transformers:4.7.0_cuda11.1_finetune-gpt2xl_20220924

Segment-Anything in High Quality Docker images available

Docker images for Segment-Anything in High Quality (SAM-HQ) are now available.

Just like SAM, SAM-HQ is a great tool for aiding a human annotating images for image segmentation or object detection, as it can determine a relatively good outline of an object based on either a point or a box. Only pre-trained models are available.

The code used by the docker images is available from here:

The tags for the images are as follows:

  • In-house registry:



  • Docker hub:

    • waikatodatamining/pytorch-sam-hq:2023-08-17_cuda11.6

    • waikatodatamining/pytorch-sam-hq:2023-08-17_cpu

Redis-related Docker image updates

The redis-docker-harness Python library, which is used by a lot of our Docker images, has received a number of updates (at time of writing, the version of the library in use is 0.0.4):

  • ability to specify a password for the Redis server

  • specify the timeout parameter for the the Redis client, with larger timeouts resulting in lower CPU load (the default is now 0.01 instead of 0.001)

Unfortunately, this required re-releasing the most recent images of the following frameworks:

  • detectron2

  • mmdetection

  • mmsegmentation

  • yolov5

  • yolov7

  • Segment Anything (SAM)


The images kept their version number, you just need to pull them again, or use --pull ALWAYS in conjunction with docker run.