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Filter usage

The following sections only show snippets of commands, as there are quite a number of filters available.

Bounding box / polygon#

With the coerce-bbox filter, you can force annotations to be bounding box only. The reverse is the coerce-mask filter, which ensures that all annotations are available as polygons.

Too small or too large?#

Using the dimension-discarder filter, you can filter out too large or too small images quite easily:

  • only allow within certain width/height constraint
dimension-discarder \
  -l INFO \
  --min_height 100 \
  --max_height 200 \
  --min_width 100 \
  --max_width 200 \
  • only a certain area, but the shape is irrelevant
dimension-discarder \
  -l INFO \
  --min_area 10000 \
  --max_area 50000 \

Domain conversion#

  • object detection to image classification: With the od-to-ic filter you can convert object detection annotations to image classification. How multiple differing labels are handled can be specified.
  • object detection to image segmentation: The od-to-is filter generates image segmentation data from the bbox/polygon annotations.

Annotation management#

  • filter-labels - leaves only the matching labels in the annotations
  • map-labels - for renaming labels
  • remove-classes - removes the specified labels
  • strip-annotations - removes all annotations
  • write-labels - outputs a list of all the encountered labels

Meta-data management#

  • metadata - allows comparisons on meta-data values and whether to keep or discard a record in case of a match
  • metadata-from-name - allows extraction of meta-data value from the image name via a regular expression
  • split - adds the field split to the meta-data of the record passing through, which can be acted on with other filters (or stored in the output)

Record management#

A number of generic record management filters are available:

  • check-duplicate-filenames - when using multiple batches as input, duplicate file names can be an issue when creating a combined output
  • discard-invalid-images - attempts to load the image and discards them in case the loading fails (useful when data acquisition can generate invalid images)
  • discard-negatives - removes records from the stream that have no annotations
  • max-records - limits the number of records passing through
  • randomize-records - when processing batches, this filter can randomize them (seeded or unseeded)
  • record-window - only lets a certain window of records pass through (e.g., the first 1000)
  • rename - allows renaming of images, e.g., prefixing them with a batch number/ID
  • sample - for selecting a random sub-sample from the stream


With the tee meta-filter, it is possible to filter the images coming through with a separate sub-pipeline. E.g., converting the incoming data into multiple output formats.

The following command loads the VOC XML annotations and saves them in ADAMS and YOLO format in one command:

idc-convert \
  -l INFO \
  from-voc-od \
    -l INFO \
    -i "./voc/*.xml" \
  tee \
    -f "to-adams-od -o ./adams-tee/" \
  tee \
    -f "to-yolo-od -o ./yolo-tee/ --labels ./yolo-tee/labels.txt"