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Image segmentation

Readers and writers for image segmentation have the -is suffix.

Download the blue channel archive of the camvid dataset and extract it.


Blue channel to Indexed PNG#

The following command-line will convert it into a dataset using indexed PNG files:

idc-convert \
  -l INFO \
  from-blue-channel-is \
    -l INFO \
    -i "./bluechannel/*.png" \
    --labels Animal Archway Bicyclist Bridge Building Car CartLuggagePram Child Column_Pole \
             Fence LaneMkgsDriv LaneMkgsNonDriv Misc_Text MotorcycleScooter OtherMoving ParkingBlock \
             Pedestrian Road RoadShoulder Sidewalk SignSymbol Sky SUVPickupTruck TrafficCone \
             TrafficLight Train Tree Truck_Bus Tunnel VegetationMisc Void Wall \
  to-indexed-png-is \
    -l INFO \
    -p x11 \
    -o ./indexedpng

NB: Uses the X11 color palette for the palette in the PNGs.

Here is an example (0001TP_007050.png):

Example indexed PNG from the camvid dataset (0001TP_007050.png)

Blue channel to Indexed PNG (cyclists only)#

By applying filters, you can also generate subsets, e.g., for building more specialized models. The following will extract only images that have cyclists and discard all other annotations (filter-labels). Images with no annotations left will get discarded (discard-negatives):

idc-convert \
  -l INFO \
  from-blue-channel-is \
    -l INFO \
    -i "./bluechannel/*.png" \
    --labels Animal Archway Bicyclist Bridge Building Car CartLuggagePram Child Column_Pole \
             Fence LaneMkgsDriv LaneMkgsNonDriv Misc_Text MotorcycleScooter OtherMoving ParkingBlock \
             Pedestrian Road RoadShoulder Sidewalk SignSymbol Sky SUVPickupTruck TrafficCone \
             TrafficLight Train Tree Truck_Bus Tunnel VegetationMisc Void Wall \
  filter-labels \
    -l INFO \
    --labels Bicyclist \
  discard-negatives \
    -l INFO \
  to-indexed-png-is \
    -l INFO \
    -p x11 \
    -o ./indexedpng-cyclists

Here is an example (0001TP_007380.png):

Example indexed PNG from the camvid dataset with only cyclists in it (0001TP_007380.png)