Text classification support

Large language models (LLMs) for chatbots are all the rage at the moment, but there is plenty of scope of simpler tasks like text classification. Requiring less resources and being a lot faster is nice as well.

We turned the HuggingFace example for sequence classification into a docker image to make it easy for building such classification models.

  • In-house registry:

    • public.aml-repo.cms.waikato.ac.nz:443/pytorch/pytorch-huggingface-transformers:4.36.0_cuda11.7_classification

  • Docker hub:

    • waikatodatamining/pytorch-huggingface-transformers:4.36.0_cuda11.7_classification

Our gifr Python library for gradio received an interface for text classification (gifr-textclass) in version 0.0.3.

The llm-dataset-converter library obtained native support for text classification formats with version 0.1.1.